LOD Standard (As-Built Documentation)

This is our most requested service and the foundation of our company – the industry standard “lease outline document” or “LOD”.

An “as-built” shows the conditions as they currently exist.  Whether it’s an existing building floor plan, elevation, reflected ceiling plan (RCP) or fixture layout plan, we can get you the information you need – accurately and affordably.

There is only one way to produce an accurate “as-built”, and that is by obtaining detailed measurements of the space. (…including walls, doors, windows, stairwells, elevator shafts, plumbing fixtures, structural columns and other important information.)

We visit every space with precision laser technology and provide this information through in-depth field measuring, evaluating and reporting of the existing conditions.

Request ServiceUS Building Survey (LOD Standard) includes:

  • Accurately Dimensioned Plans *
  • Assessment of Space Conditions
  • Equipment Specifications (Optional)
  • Rooftop Equipment (Optional)
  • ADA Assessment (Optional)
  • Photographic Documentation (Optional)
  • PDF format
  • Downloadable Files (.pdf / .dwg)

* US Building Survey measures and inputs all field data to the nearest 1/32”.  Final documents are dimensions to the nearest inch for document clarity.

** For an advanced version of our most requested as-built leasing solution, consider LOD+.
